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It's here!! Sorelle Nurzia torrone from L'Aquila is finally here!

It's here!! Sorelle Nurzia torrone from L'Aquila is finally here!

Update 12/5/19 - We are expecting Sorelle to arrive tomorrow! Please sign up on the product's page to be notified when it's back in stock. Thank you for your patience!

Update 12/3: Strega, Antica and Sapori are here!!! Strega is selling very quickly. We will be getting more early next week.

Update 12/2: Antica and Sapori are on their way to our warehouse! If your order includes any Antica or Sapori it will ship on or before 12/6. Thanks for your patience! 

Gearing up for Thanksgiving!

We all celebrate differently. Are you hosting dozens of extended relatives? Trying to figure out how to fit everyone around the table, calculating how much chicken liver you'll need to make the Italian stuffing and contemplating if everyone will really eat an artichoke after the meal!
Or it may be a small affair, just a few people gathering to give thanks with delicious food and one pie per person! Others may give back by helping serve a warm meal to others who are less fortunate.
However, you chose to celebrate we hope you take time for yourself, reflect on what you're thankful for and maybe reach out to someone to let them know you're thinking of them. 
At TorroneCandy we would like to thank you for supporting a small busines. And I mean small! We rely on family and friends to pack orders, update the website, post pictures to instagram, figure out why something isn't working correctly on the website, tell me when I've misspelled words and that my grammar is incorrect, and more! We know that you have many choices and we thank you for your loyal support of a small business.
From our family to yours, we wish you a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!
Buona Festa del Ringraziamento!

Sorelle, Strega, Antica

I know, I know! We're all waiting for it to arrive. I will let you know as soon as it gets here! 


Previous article Holiday Shipping Info. Mom, Dad, Nonno, Nana, Secret Santa - We've got you covered!
Next article Order by 9am EST, 11/23/19 for Thanksgiving!

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