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March Madness! 15% Off Oliviero Torroncini, Feast Dates Are Starting to Roll In, New Oliviero Items are in the Pipline

Not only is it NCAA March Madness (Go UVM Catamounts!) it's torroncini madness with 15% off all Olviiero torroncini!!! Bulk or bags, fill your Easter baskets with what I like to call "Italian Jelly Beans"! Ended 3/19/17.

This week my dad is in Monteforte Irpino visiting our good friends at the Oliviero factory. They moved from Ospedaletto to Monteforte Irpino last year. Their new facility is beautiful and from what I hear there are some new products that will be available for the winter holiday season! I can't wait to try the samples that are being sent home with Dad. 

Can't wait for feast season? Plan out your visits now! I'll be updating this page as we confirm more dates. Stop by and say "Ciao". We love to meet our online customers in person!

Previous article Last Feast of 2018! Vital Nougat here! What's New for the Holidays?

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