Auguri! Buona Festa Della Donna!
Today is International Women's Day! International women's day is celebrated around the world to show solidarity and recognize the importance of women in society. The day was born out of political and social awareness for women. In 1945, the Union of Italian Women set aside March 8th to celebrate womanhood. In Italy, bouquets of mimosa are given to mothers, sisters, daughters, wives and friends to show appreciation and respect. Many museums are free for women and restaurants typically give out a sprigs as well. Why mimosa? They're in bloom! Their fragrance fills the air to remind everyone about the message of the day and that spring is just around the corner.
The Italian Sons and Daughters of Italy website has some wonderful articles about Italian women including this one which highlights Maria Montessori.
Auguri a tutte le donne, 365 giorni all'anno!!
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