Celebrating Italian Culinary Traditions For Over 30 Years!
Celebrating Italian Culinary Traditions For Over 30 Years!
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Buona Pasqua, Happy Spring and Looking Ahead to Summer!

As I look around at the piles of snow, it's hard to believe that it's Spring but Easter is right around the corner and summer will soon be here. 


Many cities in Italy have grand Easter celebrations. While the days leading up to Easter are solemn, Easter and La Pasquetta, the day after Easter, are filled with excitement. In Florence, Easter is celebrated with the Scoppio del Carro, expolsion of the cart. The wagon that is at least 2 stories high, is wheeled through the streets to the Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore. Once there, a dove-shaped rocket is sent into the wagon igniting a spectacular firework show. Afterwards, there's a parade through the historic section of Florence. 

There's a saying in Italy, “Natale con i tuoi, pasqua con chi vuoi” (Christmas with family, Easter with who you want). La Pasquetta or Little Easter, is a nation holiday in Italy. Italians enjoy the day off visiting friends and enjoying a picnic of leftovers from Easter along with salami, cheese and perhaps some homemade wine. Some may travel to the sea, to enjoy the sunshine and the barely warm water.  Entire cities come together for free concerts, outdoor luncheons and egg rolling games. The city of Panciale in Umbria has a different sort of rolling contest. They roll cheese wheels! 

I'm sure there's a lot of good food and desserts consumed! Perhaps even some torrone! Happy Spring!

Looking ahead to Summer

We're hoping that you'll be able to stop by our torrone stand this summer. Our list of festivals is coming together. Are we coming to a feast near you? Be sure to check this page as the summer approaches as we may add more!

See you at the feast! Check out our list of 2015 Festivals.


Previous article Don't Forget the Torrone! Sapori, Antica, Taralli Update

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