Anisette Cookies
These cookies are so much fun to make, especially with kids! Rolling by hand, dipping in icing and of course all the sprinkles!!! Somehow this recipes gets misplaced by certain family members each year. It never fails that I receive a phone call asking if I have the recipe. This has happened so often that one year I framed the recipe and presented it on Christmas so it would never get lost again! Set aside some time this year to make these with friends and family!
7 Cups flour
6 tsp baking powder
2 Cups sugar
1/2 tsp salt
8 eggs, room temperature
1 1/2 sticks butter, room temperature
1 1/2 sticks margarine, room temperature
3 tsp vanilla
2-3 tbsp anisette liquor
1 1/2 boxes of confectioner's sugar
6-8 tbsp milk, maybe more
Anisette to taste
Preheat oven to 350F. This makes a lot of cookies! Maybe 100 or so. Recipe can be halved.
Mix flour, baking powder and salt in large bowl. In small bowl mix eggs, vanilla and anisette. Make well in flour, crumble the butter and margarine around and on top of the sides of the well. Pour egg mixture in well. Mix together until a ball forms. Remove from bowl a knead for a few minutes until smooth and shiny. Dough should be soft. Pinch off golf ball size, roll into a 4 inch log and coil like a snake or just roll into a ball. Place on cookie sheet lined with parchment and bake for about 8-10 minutes until the bottoms are light brown but tops still light. Cool on rack.
In small bowl, mix milk and anisette gradually into confectioners sugar. Icing should be on the thick side and have smooth consistency.
Now for the fun! Line your counter or rimmed baking sheets with wax paper or parchment. Dip the tops of the cookies in the icing and then sprinkle the sprinkles on top before the icing hardens. Store in airtight container. They will last for about a week but they'll be gone before that!
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